Automating ONTAP REST APIs with Ansible

USD 1,011 excl. VAT
2 Days

What you’ll learn in this course
Learn how to automate administration of NetApp ONTAP based system by using modern REST APIs and Ansible. Learn how to use Ansible framework to automate and deploy storage administration tasks
by invoking NetApp ONTAP modules from within Ansible playbooks. Additionally, you learn how to configure your system for SMB, NFS, S3 and SAN Protocol
ONTAP Cluster Administration
Course Objectives
• Analyze ONTAP REST APIs and Ansible frameworks.
• Illustrate how to invoke NetApp ONTAP modules from within Ansible playbooks to automate storage administration tasks.
• Configure SMB, NFS, S3, and SAN protocols programmatically by using Ansible playbooks.
• Identify the performance metrics of ONTAP system
Course Outline
• Welcome
o Architecture of lab environment
• Overview of ONTAP REST API
o What is REST API?
o ONTAP REST API Documentation
• Ansible Basics
o Introduction to Ansible
o Basics of Ansible
o Ansible Playbooks
o Ansible Modules
o Coding Demonstrations of Playbooks
• SMB Configuration
o SMB Configuration via Ansible
• NFS Configuration
o NFS Configuration via Ansible
• S3 Configuration
o S3 object storage configuration via Ansible
• SAN Configuration
o SAN REST API Documentation
o iSCSI Configuration
o FCP and NVME-oFConfiguration
o Playbooks and Ansible Modules
• Performance Monitoring
o ONTAP performance
o Performance Metrics
o Collecting ONTAP Performance Metrics
o ONTAP System Manager
Further information
If you would like to know more about this course please contact us